Thursday 5 April 2012

It's been a while

So what have I been doing? I had a bit of a blip for a couple of weeks but I kicked my arse down to the swimming pool, Zumba, thighs bums and tums, aqua fit plus my dog gets at least 1.5 hours of exercise every day:) I've not weighed myself in a while because I become obsessed with what the scales say, I'm going to leave it until the end of April:) as for food, what's food? I eat it when I need to, I truly believe that this is one of the best things I've done for myself in years, it comes second to leaving the ex husband!

So anyone out there keep going, set yourself goals, small ones to start with and then build up from there, Rome wasn't built in a day and you didn't get fat in a day either, one things for sure when I go on holiday this year I am not going to be hiding under a towel!

Enjoy Easter - and yes I will be having a Percy pig from m&s but I will share it and no doubt burn it off with exercise!